+Bertharina Rina The American Nation funnels off billions and billions to Israel.  It is not Semitic.  Only descendants of Abraham there are the Palestilians, may of whom have the right genes, being descended through Ishmael.  The Edomites died out and were thrown out as a nation by God in Old Testament times and then those remaining in Judea, were also assimilated with other nations.  Israel itself is the invention of Rothschild through in the main, British Zionism and British Aristocrats, with their former ‘loving Zionism’ Parliamentarians and the odd Jewish Prime Minister.  Lord Balfour was the scoundrel used in 1917 to give the Balfour Declaration declaring Palestine for Israel when it was not hers to give.  Still part of the Ottoman Empire that did dissolve in 1918.  British Mandate over Palestine.  In go the so-called Jews  to declare Israel a nation 1948, and they were not Semites but Khazars.  Then in came the Ethiopian Jews, so-called but they also are not pure descendants of Abraham.  Indeed, they are black which the Hebrews never were (may have been sun-burnt but red/blond hair, blue eyes originally if one reads all of the Scriptures, present and lost but restored).  They were of Shem and not Ham whose descendants filled Africa.  The Ethiopians who followed a certain O.T. form of that given Moses, were descendants of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, whose son born in Ethiopia, eventually went to Israel aged about 30, caught hold of the then watered down O.T. form of Moses, probably gathered in a priest or two, took the Ark of the Covenant where it seems it is today in a certain city of Ethiopia.  What color? Black mixed with white then from then on, intermarried with black Ethiopians.  How pure is that race in relation to being descendants of Abraham and thus entitled to be called what is today named a Jew?  Most doubtful.  The genes have not yet been scientifically revealed.  The Khazars are world-wide, even in U.S.A. but maybe only up to 8,000,000 but holding most of its sources of wealth and having dispatched the gold from Fort Knox to London.  Seems there is gold there but also it would appear they also are somewhat bankrupt as the total debt of the whole world outnumbers the trillions of worth it does have.  Rothschild, owning all Reserve Banks except three and including the Reserve Bank of U.S.A. of course, U.S.A. being the dead tree on which that ivy lives and flourishes.  Wake up!  I believe churches are beginning to and Pastors.  About time.  Why be under the occultism of these Khazar Mafia?  They rule through Satanic power.  Churches are supposed to have the power of the Holy Ghost and the Spirit of Christ reigning within its people.  You have helped in the downward spiral of your own nation – all so-called Christian Zionists!.
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No one knows just what goes into one’s unknown subconsciousness. Personality disorders are perpetually shoved back into this little under stood mental cataloging through repressions. Anyone who goes on a ballot-box rage are definitely running from a twisted personality, in attempting to elude guilt by association, with their own pathological struggle, to shadow surroundings that are pre-calculated via listening to fraudulent political prostitutes spreading lies. Such pin-headed squirts are squats during Presidential facades becoming part and party to split personalities, as pimps for an invisible arm of galvanized hoodlums plat-forming several puppets as psychological misanthropes.
Individual presidential neurosis and Ballet-Box psychosis somewhat hinges, or develops, through an earlier manhood of repressed voting, party Hatred, Theoretically, anxiety is the most damaging . We witness numbers of people swarming into theaters, as heading for ballot sheds, owing loyalty to a politician and Bat Man. Here we witness, as individuals are in social communion and not distanced from wish-to-be-peers all in the family. Mob collectivism displays man’s hatred for love ( attention ), as witnessed presumptuously falls into Dr. Sigmund Freud’s ” Personality Suppression Complex Syndrome.” The struggle against deep inhibited suppression and depression, over rides the ID, and the alter Ego settles for a pathologically developed loner, an intellectual drifter, to explode with Freud’s “ Personality Suppression Gravitational Syndrome.” In essence, an unrecognized wish was fulfilled: Collectivized individual mob stultification rests upon an impulsive nature to bathe with political syphilis through several candidates. Seemingly, a nest of traitorous hyenas becomes a joystick to be rotated upon the base of mobocracy. Progressive flippancy.
It has become fast and furious for independent voters, citizens, to actually weigh individual perceptions, as to the social qualities respectfully of two ruling gangs holding national office. Of course, this is combined pseudo Democracy and a discordant Republican representation. These twin gangs of infatuated liberalism have their roots feeding back to in house intertwined anti-social guilt complexes, in opposing conservatism. The only analytical presumption is that national political welfare is grappling with an insidious nest of elected servants under the spell of ever incipient Orientalism. Here, a massive double-minded party, one-eyed cyclops, has developed a two-party one-glove cult, congealed into a massive neurosis and cultivated ( Personality Suppression Gravitational Complex Syndrome ). This is the elevated level of mass political neurosis. The iron grip of universal communism is the back screen of our failing society. Our Republic is in the dangerous paws of approaching socialism. Here, in fact, repetition is the best teacher!
Transitional professional sycophants are a front for their silent and ruthless masters, as presidential aggregates are robotized mechanisms through the magnetic funds of invisible magistrates, of which cleave their tentacles into all levels of national government. We discover their influence within the State Dept., CIA, FBI, federal reserve, treasury Dept,and supreme bench, NATO, FEMA, SWAT, Home Land Security,CIA, FBI, and every major influential dept in our national jurisprudence. Most of all, ruthless intellectually coordinated imps with poisoned minds undermines our republic as moles from within. Social engineering via post globalism hijacks Congress and their main weapon is a mover and shakers idealistic machine of psychological warfare.Through the grip on national medical and psychiatric industries social engineering is in the hands of high priests on mental gymnastics, and in cahoots with controlling agriculture outlets, such as the national farm bureau. Poisoned foods and drinks are allotted to our national people, so that as cattle, through linguistics, millions of citizens are lobotomized. Here, various sports, especially football, soccer and Hockey, . imitating ancient Roam Circuses, are offered as a bleed off voter anxiety and repressed masochism. Pseudo Democracy revels in this ! Notably, after a selected pasmaster wins his race all ballot is to be stacked nation wide. Within the center will be placed a massive flywheel. The gang in office pushes a button and them bull manure is openly spread across a nation of which had been bamboozled as dirty bastards return to their roots as rotated scoundrels. IT IS FREEDOM, LIBERTY, and JUSTICE FOR ALL ! COMMUNISM HAS A HOLD ON OUR DWINDLING REPUBLIC ! GOD HELP US.


     SICK PUSSIES  RULE CONGRESS                                                    I am not particularly interested in any bastards that hold other nations in subjection. In this world, we have a rogue  gang  who are known as parasitic criminals. These  same dirty- blood sucking bastards are  holding our American nation in an iron grip ghetto criminally, as induced investors infect the Federal Reserve, and any other institution under political prostitution that walk the line of corruption with them, in tracking  several block-headed presidential meatheads as civil prostitution.  In other words, America is a haven for alien-slum masters in cahoots with a national landlord mafia controlling the illicit housing renting industry, and looting the drowning middle class, while restraining hard-working people kept in line through starvation and mental anguish on the iron law of wages, as the scoundrel   Ronnie boy Reagan was influenced by the economist David Recardo’s minimum wage system. Honest citizens on all sides are doomed to land renting slavery. Ronnie was just another Coo Coo bird Dome nester.

America is occupied by lawyers and collectivized clergymen through man-made religions, as eighty-five percent of citizens are absolutely propertyless. Massive land holders as allied with corrupt political rustlers, back up religious upstarts, and slum mastering is ruining upper classes, when scumbags leach from the treasury Dept. America is a collectivized people of various nations, being brain washed into a universal net of discontent towards specific alien nations, that are helpless, as drones fly overhead and stinger rockets drain down on helpless women and children. All-in-all, the basis is land ownership and drones, for serfs of the globe are merely fodder reserve.

The Asiatic nations do not want pseudo democracy, as now practiced within America. Pseudo rule is a religious/property scheme operating through an ancient people of subtle intentions, Idumeans. As of now, they are known as Edomites. Another identity for them, reds, or pro-Jacobins, formenully, Soviet Russia. Look at the name Uncle Sam. Where does anyone know of its origin? Right under our noses is a subtle pseudo religious operation of global proportions of dog-eat dog. Digressing, take a gander at Bill Clinton and Janet Reno. Here a United States Attorney General and a pussy President makes war in Waco and burn 29 children alive– much more dozens of men and women died in this inferno. Momentarily we use no drones or stingers in God’s so-called America, when one illicit movement order combines with another massive religious empire, spiritual whoredom, of twisted intellects respond with political influence via FEMA and SWAT teams with tanks, gun powder, and flame throwers, to do the dirty job.

Pseudo democracy is a joke, when used as a weapon of political charity, as a manner of distributing faudulently with the west’s method of freedom, that is in the hands of low-life investing scumbags, now enpowering  the nation’s corralled renting investment industry of illicit gambling and stock-exchange gyrations. At this very moment, the electorial college will pussie a President.

Obviously, Toe-dancing around any subject that has metallic  bearings brings forth the coward. This Intent is the result of liberalism’s melt-down education. Even a blind hog can find an acorn in the dark. Can’t you readers comprehend that America has been overthrown. Cannot you people realize that freedom is now a by-word, in the hands of professional criminals holding our country in complete mental slavery and physical bondage.

Naturally, mankind are all God’s creation and children. Looking behind the scenes of national government there is a race of devils in the political saddle. Were they put into office through the trick of voting. Hell no! Ignorant citizens are duped on this matter of mobs putting some scoundrel into the presidency, for each state has an electoral college. These colleges are held together by bankers, slum masters, and commercial industries. Yes, they plant stool-pigeons in order to rob, loot, and plunder from the working people all of their produce:Basically, all wealth comes from the farmers of whom work their fields that feeds our national society.

Our pseudo Republic has been guilted into allying with pseudo Democracy. And now we have a state department being imbedded with Reds with hand-picked ambassadors that would marry the devil for a visa at large in Europe, in passing out torts to global-minded political sharks, of whom support universal socialism. The proper word is to be Internationalism.

Thomas paine wrote ” The rights of Man .’ This almost caused him to be beheaded in France. Sorry to say, we have a race of cowards within America seated within the highest echelons of national government. These sycophants have an investment with Satan himself to betray this country.

Actually, dirt under the feet of decent people of all races of whom do not not comprehend Satan’s seed line. These are the ancient Edomites, of whom have made war on all nations since King David ruled and God forewarned David of this menace. Yes, this contemporary anti-social element is making war on Third World nations that fear imported pseudo democracy that will be shoved down their throats through collectivized tax supported religions (USA ), or hell-fire through drones and stingers. God help these poor souls. We know that angels weep as innocent mankind are slaughtered in the interest of money-hungry land-investors, that have no conscious– nor possibly no soul !


    ( Crippled Buzzard )
    Our national bird, the Eagle, has furled its wings and lays low and suffers from Congressionalitis. It glories no longer as a symbolic icon representative of a once free nation. In fact, political rape of national constituents is a routine defenselessness accosting of helpless society as a rooster so intimidated in being near-sighted in singling out an option to hustle down some bird to be politically orientated with collective buzzards acting as the rooster that cannot see things straight. Caught between two birds political rape will out do the Rooster / buzzard correlation. Normally, the rooster crows in the morning, the buzzard chow downs on Congressional constipation. In essence, Nationwide, the citizenry daily gives this bribed clan the bird. The bewailed rooster and the befuddled buzzard both plunge into a trance of cinematic psychosis. Birds of a feather flock together—ummmmmmmmmmmmm!

    Patrick Henry screamed, “ Give me liberty or give me death.” Thomas Paine wanted no part of Founding Father option to ally with British weasels. Paine contended that the Angel, religious, banking industry were not conducive as to being birded-down as a wild rooster to rape and plunder under the wings of an Eagle. Benjamin Franklin was coy to an eagle as a state bird thundering down upon a people in seeking a war-like Republic. Too, Franklin chose the domesticated Turkey. The political hooliganism from 1776 is a melt down to a present day Godzillian complicated nest of pre-bought panhandlers mooching from tax-payer’s pockets.

    America will never recover from the criminal take over of our Republic. The majestic spell of pro-communist infiltration has its its wing spread nationwide. We do have the rooster / buzzard complexity engaged with socialistic deprivation. Yes, the rooster, as Congress sees objects in a cross-eyed dimension just as the buzzard awaits collected bowel implosion extracts its hold on mother nature. Not surprisingly, weasel-minded fools under Marxian dialectics in line with I.V. Lenin will eventually become an innocent mechanical movement as a machine of universal socialism. The question of Godzilla as to a multiple of two birds nesting near Congress while in cession could be leading to a Golan monster out of the UR. We will be compelled to watch the Bear the dragon & a pseudo lion’s whelp being nestled down within the state of Israel. Its thumbs down if this Republic does not drop Darwin’s theory of anthropoids and Marx’s materialistic conception of political equalitarism. Only a damned fool believes that all mankind evolved from the same global swamp. God help America as a dumbed-down welfare state !

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Bull Dykes and think a likes should have preferential acceptance into sitting under the state dept water shed, in having more input into foreign affairs. Over the years, we have witnessed some strange situations regarding the influence of allied nations boomeranging exported treaties returning home to haunt incompetent political plants and their strange foreign realizations. Needless to say, several characters within this most sensitive post are of national government has been the breeding ground for unwarranted sour heads, of which bottle neck significant areas of Presidential influence regarding national security. Ever since the late President Franklin New Deal pro-communist watering hole practiced total irresponsibility in ignoring the state dept, as this practicality of official conduct has been a one-way conduit of professional hindrance of foreign affairs. State secretary of state Hull under Roosevelt was a lose cannon and unfortunate yes man. Under John Kerry, we have a sweetheart affair with Netanyahu of Israel. Hillary Clinton was a muck-raking bag of wind, winding up worthless as tits on a bore hog. Why not bring into pro-menace more of the displaced closet gang, in really widening this circus of burnt out blockheads, of which formally leaped over the congressional watchdogs, in pushing liberalism under the guise of a free for all love in !

Who is financing Presidential candidates. How much from the Communist network over America. What about funds from the Trotsky / Leninist bunch receiving moneys from Uncle Sam. Too, a criminally devised hoard of ghetto masters, under the hood of mortgage gamblers. Only damned fools would pull a lever, in sending tax moneys to collectivized political gangsters; being anchored to both sorry bastards in conclusion, with a doubled-deck of hopeless scoundrels in collusion, as a two-party swindle drummed down into a pseudo Democracy. Mobs are useful in aiding swindlers into national office. Continue to think & act like a stupid mass of misled fools, to be hoodwinked under a national administration, in the arms of Marxian incipient socialism. FEMA, HLS, SWAT, & oppressive police all have gulags awaiting for ring in the nose individuals, as nihilistic cattle. America is being pulled into Eastern World fundamentalism. Vote & enlarge the hell that is to become your future.

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    People do forget, but the ghost of history haunts every soul that strolls through the welcoming streets of this country, in harboring a disposition that life is great, while the good times roll. Beneath it all, the ongoing selective mob’s routine is constructing a royal road to hell, and little individual cognizance of the terror awaiting such fools. History does repeat itself. A death knell declares this. Ominous observation is a path back into the French Revolution of 1793. Obviously, this is planned for America. It cannot be avoided.
    Noticeably, the elements are in place of political embroilment. Too, local and alien land investors have locked into ownership investors on Wall Street. The massive touring industry is a circus across our country. The farming industry held in check by corrupt foreign idle minds, to be pleased with unimaginable desire for hungry entertainment, while streets are aliened with homeless, property- less citizens begging for food, as heavy industries have vacated to alien profits. The plan to uproot America is well lain.
    Global revolutionary cycles have always encircled civil societies, in awaiting the proper moment when mental and physical slavery yields to massive nihilism. This organized confusion is not coincidental, but has found its way into the heart and soul of our once great Republic. In reverting back to the France of 1793, our national government is sewing the same seeds of open negligence and criminal hostility over taxation and rigid police state regimentation. This is the final straw in breaking the camel’s back.
    In the revolutionary stage; consisted of the french insurrection in parliament were the Girondis menaced with liberalism– somewhat seeded in with the revolutionary component called Jacobin’s. Disagreement over assemblage obligation to be reconciled, unified, the Jacobin Club pulled into France professional revolutionaries, schooled in a spin-off, of an an Illuminati movement of a global influence of rule. Alien influence brought on the french terror. Then the Jacobin’s created the Montagards. This was a hired revolutionary gang under the Jacobin Club. This revolutionary seed line goes back to the days of ancient Esau, the ( Red ), God’s natural enemy. Incidentally, Girondis & Jacobite’s were democrats. their supposed to representative, within the assembly, opposed the stay of revolution, ( Robespierre ), was beheaded.
    Obviously, we have a domineering factor in Congress, of Girondis imposition to unseat our President. Those of Jacobin intimidation is to level our republic as a free state. We recognize this as one of many running for the Presidency is singled out for global mob instinct laden down with Esau’s contempt for christian civilization is galvanized into a vast machine of collectivized insanity, over a sub-normal behavioral mental neurosis as self-hatred.


When our late President franklin D. Roosevelt and priminster of Britain Wiston Churchill met at Quebec in 1941, later at Agentina, a master plan was put into affect, of which eventually was to bring into focus of a futuristc New World order. At a third meeting took place at Quebec. Here was to be reinstated the late President Woodrow Wilson’s dream of incorporating American democracy into the European Leage of Nations. Roosevelt and Churchill were active plants for the District of Columbia  and the  City of Gold in London. Here we had the bank of England and  our Federal Reserve in hock to universal finance, being  locked into a web of European reserves. Yes, two great leaders of delusional intentions created the National Atlantic Treaty Organization. Post war intentions was to organise the covention of three global states, The United States, great Britain and Soviet Russia. Originality has been achieved here, as Vladimir Putin has become a tool, when Roosevelt and Churchill senced an apparition of Wilson. Our national administration is unacceptable, stained  with the seed of Royality. Malfeasence of rule is unleashed criminality and needs to be uprooted.


Without a doubt, national discontent and  resentment rebels against looting of the treasury through financing wars of aggression in the middle east. This inappropreate manner is looting tax payers into pauperaism and debt. An elite class of global influence have determined that several middle East nations must be conquered in the name of an psudo democracy existing within the fifty states of America. The first move was to destabalizes Liberia. Vladimir Putin worked with a gang of internationalists via the crimia operation.


Indeed, shame-faced congressional seat warmers has lost contact with presidental consideration, in that all are installed through bribery. Yes, voting constituents are smeltering with the mental derangement of massive nihilism.

A nation is being pauperised through hyper inflation over taxation. An ever rising revolt agaisnt police state measures and armed garrisons fronting as FAMA, SWAT, and HLS was proof at WACO, that a once free nation is corraled by an insider enemy, being ruled through international financial syndicates geared to socializing a Republic. The Valor of Ignorance comprehensive here.


Absolutely, the wrecking and enslavement towards universal enslavement points back to Roosevelt  Churchill, as tools of what we envision today. We witness this as NATO & the United nations is an organized bastion of criminals.

The aggression into the middle East is counter to international law. Mohammadism will never accept pseudo Democracy and its affiliated connection with the Judaeo / christian scheme into organized ignorance. The power house here playing obedience to liberalized feduciary.
Total comprehension here is that israel is in complete religious  disaray. Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, pushes for WW3. Henry Kissinger knows that the state of Israel is diminishing. Jakels in the Pendagon follows the spiel that it is nescessary to measure the black gold of oil on the terms of Petro and fiat currency. This war is to maintain a goldless trade system. Too, towards maintaining Palistinian grip on land seizures. Billions have begotton to Israel that she can arm her allies to use America and British military input against Asyria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, iran, Damascus, and Pastigan, throwing in France and Germany. All of this is dilusional and personal impropriaty of which drove three men to their graves. Wilson, Roosevelt & Churcill. There is no ambitious apparition of these three former gangsters, for the New World order is finished!


Putin proclaims orthodoxism in spiritual comprehension, while allying with China. Of course, Confucianism is a bedrock of intellectual astuteness threading back to Gautama. The background global elite is stacking its deck with the probable assertion that Obama is a useful Moselem plant. All in all, we have the Russian bear, the Chinese dragon, Obama’s eagle. and the EU Golan monster in between. One great power along with the Crimean situation being embattled with the IMF. Putin stares straight ahead and does not know what end is up. Putin needs to employ a Hindu viper handler to set down with he and his fellow colleagues to keep the Rothschilds at bay. The odds are against Russian bombers flying the Alaska seaboard within a fifty mile distance off shore. It appears that the Pentagon is being taughted.

Two global giants are nearing a showdown. Two monumental goliaths subtly subdued, being caught in the clutches of a one-eyed cyclops as a political correlation consisting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. This universal financial machine has been hammered-down, re-reorganized, as one mismanaged money-funding financial crisis. America’s wedge through loans has brought the Crimean affair as the major force that has backfired in using the state department as a springboard into the foreign affairs with Moscow.

Little doubt, as Putin, a former KGB agent, can no way disarm the global ruling elite rulers that Satan is the headmaster. The gang of bastards within the District of Columbia is an independant nest of globe mastering. This conglomeration of monetary swindlers pay no taxes. This machine has no ties to Washington. This set-up has private police officers. Their better-half is the City of Gold as London. London is their private center of global monetary manipulation. It has no ties to the British empire. This organization pays no taxes and has a private police force. We see that Satan heads such of an apparatus, invisible and devilish intent.

Putin clearly makes it clear, that his government is a state orthodox spirituality.
In essence, the Vatican is a state with no attachment to Italy. It pays no taxes and has a police force and jails. It is one square mile with approximately one thousand residents. Putin has openly denounced Israel. Here, we discover that netanyahu is an elite well-managed tool and hands-down that Putin has averted a third-world war. Israel’s only way out via world opinion is to bring on war somewhere in the middle east, in perpetuating the ever destabilization of Syria,

Iran, and Iraq. The superstructure of three distinct global ruling elites in the hands of invisible financial moguls fulfills in holy writ, that America with its Babylonian bastardness, and its NATO confederacy, and with a ruling elite’s confidence within congress, has been stalled off, because Near East foreign Relations and the state department have bought and paid for political failures.
Putin wants to save Russia from imperialism. But he needs to take off his blinders. Oil is the chief means in retribution towards any country that does not fall into line with policies of political indoctrination geared towards a NWO. Opec
keeps the oil issue afloat, in order to increase the fiat dollars as a world currency.
The Arabian petro dollar on oil has the US military on stand-by. The Obama administration and Moscow are just spin-offs in covering for the emerging of Zionism. Bolshevism has been a menace to past civilizations and is here to stay.
Our American republic has been overthrown. A pseudo-democracy is the work of dirty bastards within false religions and bribed weaklings of whom parasite off the state. Vladimir Putin has created a viper’s nest along with his league of breakaways from the Rothschild financial industry, that has blood lineage back to ancient Babylon.



                           ( Satan’s gang )

Polygraph….Modern Day Witch Craft. Socially sick bastards criminally inspired.In the future their will be a national reunion of mind- bending sypcophants.Pre-conditioned retired liars have reveledl in the field of Poligraphing. Such individual metafore is THE MOTHER OF REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY. Telepathic criminality from an operator, “ investergater “ through voltage transmission is actually an individual’s own anti-social psychosmatic actions, being imported into individuals under Frankenstein mentality, in the transforming of idolatry, as mind-bending iinto the souls of innocent personalities. Psychoanalysis of such mentally retarded pervayers of repressed inhibitions, ( bastardy ), as political infidels, releaving regressions through the fradulant reversing scheme, in the transmission of mental telepathy .Poligrahing is the bastard of all anti-social arts. This degenerative performance is in the hands of political zombies.

In appplying such wattage to various combinations of humanity, such intruders as poligraphers, must regulate ohmns and amperes as retired liars. The danger here is inducted personality opinion retarded as that had have functioned in the field of Poligraphering, might come home to roost. Supposedly, the ideals of pseudo-democracie’s mob-like oblivious to copy-cat thy fellow citizenss comes into play. Positively;, bull-dykes and Gypsies in combinations with a broad sweep of national society reels its opportunist social antagonisms into one’s fore conscious. Nationality equanimity, other wise drilled into the blockhead, ( Lie detectors.) Such psychological misgivings lead to the phenomimena of which emotions debilitate.

Several years past, a natonal meeting of all retired elementary human wiring took place, within the mud-slappers play ground of Baton Rouge Louisianna. The main speaker, marvin Scooter, spoke on electrolodes replacing Gypsy fortune telling. He explained that Gypsies were global wanderers. Too, that the Creator invested these people with a peculiar intelligence contrary to the hypocracy of American humanity strutting around in football costumes and volley-ball bloomers. The Ouija Board put electrodes to rest. Billions stolen from tax payer payer humpers lain to rest via the ouija board. W e must consider the world of dykes.

Mother nature determines humanitie’s set rules while navigating through an earthly existence. Our Creator is compelled to work with His own clay at hand. It is impossible to change any man’s mode of thought. Education offers a pathway through life in a civilized existence. The average bull dyke has never sat under our republican dome. Since our communist controlled fellow travellers in national government is prostrate being overcome lacking a will to overcome a submission under the cloak of international Bolshevism; we should try a new liberal twist in abondoning a constitution that has reverted to standing on Red engineered stilts. Mud-packers and alien sewer dwellers have flooded our shores as professional globally trained revoliutionaries.

One must take the bull by the tale & to look the situation square into it’s face. ! It is time for a bull dyke / Gypsey under the dome. Things might reconoider our invested enemy ! Give this people a chance to plunder the treasury.

